'What The Fat'?
Along with my colleagues, Professor Grant Schofield and Chef Craig Rodger, I have co-authored five books in the "What the Fat?" series.
Our mission in writing these books was to spread the whole-food, Low Carb,
Healthy Fat message as far and wide as possible, in a safe a way as possible. Back in 2015 when the first book was published, we went up against some major opposition and took some fairly strong criticism about the dietary approach. Collectively we had the passion and the determination to do this. Fast forward to today, 'low carb' is now better known as therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (TCR); it is pretty much accepted as a mainstream dietary approach, especially for conditions characterised by insulin resistance. However, it's fascinating to see that there is still some opposition for the approach, and resistance to change the dietary guidelines in NZ to include TCR in the suite of approaches usieng for managing conditionssuch as type 2 diabetes.
While the books are not in full circulation any longer, you can still find them if you do a good google search. Our WFT? Recipes book can still be ordered through Amazon.
We are imensely proud of these books and believe that they have gone a long way to help shape the thinking of New Zealand health professionals and consumers about this important concept of whole food eating in the context of carbohydrate reduction.